Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Is Grendel Evil?

Without thorough observation and proper physco analysis we are able to see that the question may not be as easy to answer as first thought of. Without giving much thought as a reader you may say at first with confidence that Grendel is in no doubt born evil and corrupt. This idea forms from the basic and obvious traits of being a monster, looking fearsome, living in a cave and the power and ability to kill human beings at ease. While this may be the case to identify whether or not Grendel is truly evil you must analyze Grendel's life and see what made him react the way he did and what made him who he is. When Grendel terrorizes human beings the act seems to be obviously evil and full of hate. However, what many fail to acknowledge  the whole reason why Grendel's relationship and connection with the humans is one of hate between the two. It all started off on a negative note due to the failure to communicate which lead to confusion and fear which resulted in both Grendel and the humans reacting on instinct by trying to defend one selves. This lack of communication is just as much, in my opinion, the humans fault as it was Grendel's. In fact i believe it was the humans fault maybe even more so than Grendel's, that the two were unable to communicate and make peace. While it may have been the humans fault for the initial confusion and violence i do believe that Grendel became to used to terrorizing the humans which lead to him becoming evil in all the actions that he did. While Grendel had an evil side and way of living, Grendel did not fail to recognize his flaw.  felt as if Grendel did not want to live this way yet society and the lack of communication corrupted his life in ways that forced him o become evil. Its almost as if Grendel had no choice or say in the matter. It seems as if Grendel was just as much destined to be the villiain, as Beowulf was destined to be the hero. While Grendel knows of his evil deeds he is still confused about what his true identity is. This failure to identify his identity is what Grendel seems to try and achieve throughout the novel. I feel as if Grendel does not truly know his place in the world and he strives throughout his life in order to find the answer. I also thought it was interesting how Grendel's predestined character trait of being the villain, whether he had a say in it or not, also expresses the naracism that is present throughout the novel due to the feeling that nothing matters and everything is random so there is nothing you can do to change what is happening in your life because it simply means nothing.

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