Wednesday, December 7, 2011


The book Grendel is a unque and interesting outlook on the monsters side of view. Rather than telling the story from Beowulf's point of view, the story is told from Grendels' point of view. I feel that by telling the sstory from both points of view it allows us to further understand the connection between the hero and the villain. It also alows us to get the full story along with allowing us to identify and dbate certain forms of bias along with motives and reasonings behind the main characters. In Grendel it also takes an interestng twist by almost identifying Grendel as the hero is some ways rather tahn just an evil monster set out to destroy man kind. I also believe that seing it from Grendels point of view allowed me understand why things got off on a bad start with Grendels connection with the humans. While during Beowulf I assumed that the reasoning behind Grendels reactions, where simply due to him being an evil beast that knows nothing more than to terrorize and demolish human beings. I know feel as if Grendel's and the humans relationship is not a good relationship based on mis communication and simple mistake. Grendel thinks and in some ways is similiar to humans in his ability to think and react to situations. However, Grendel is unable to communicate with the humans. as the humans are unable to communicate with Grendel. This lack of communication is what spurred the years of hatered and endless turmoil between the humans and Grendel. I also believe that Grendel, like Beowulf was on a quest to find his identity and true meaning in life. Also, like Beowulf Grendel eventually meets his end and is filled by another in his footsteps. I also believe that while it is said that Grendel is able to think and reason as if a human, he still has a significant amount of animalistic chracter traits. While Grendel is able to think as if a human, I feel that when he is confused or is reacting souly on instinct, Grendel reverts back to his animalistic traits and reacts based upon instinct. This is why his connection with the humans is not good because when ever there is some kind of confusion or failure to communicate, Grendel reverts back to his animalistic qualities which is often defense and this just makes the whole situation more serious and dangerous for both teh peole and for Grendel. This issue can be clearly identified when Grendel meets the humans for the first time and when they try and communicate with each other they are both confused and this confusion leads to both Grendel and the humans to revert to a state of self defense and react without thinking. This repeated issue leads to Grendel's relationship with the humans becoming worse and worse and will probably be indentified more clearly later on in the story.

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