Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Ending of The Awakening

While the ending of The Awakening can be interpreted in many different ways, one thing is for sure and that is that Edna committed suicide. Many debate on whether this was a courageous act or whether it was a cowardly act. I personally believe that the result and the act itself is cowardly. I believe by taking her own life she is acting selfish and cowardly. Its almost as if she was trying to free herself from something, however in doing so she never took into account the impact her actions may have on others. By taking her own life she abanded her family leaving theme without a mother. While I may think the act itself and result is cowardly i feel that the process she had to go threw was some what of courageous. I say this because it must take some courage and will power to intentionally swim out to see as far as you can knowing that you will loose your life in the process. This act goes against all of human instinct which is to survive. By going against the natural human instinct to protect herself she must of required a significant amount of bravery and determination. I also compared her relationship with the sea to one similar to a lover. I compared the sea as a lover because like a lover, you give all of yourself to that person. In marriage you promise to give all you have to the other person, you are also supposed to reveal all of yourself to your lover upon your marriage. Edna does all of this to the sea because she takes off all of her clothes and then literally gives all of herself to the sea. She gives her life to the sea which is the same as giving all of your life to your lover. I also found it significant how when Edna was described as sleepy a drowsy around her husband, the beach scenery during her suicide is also described as sleepy. One other important aspect i noticed during the ending was how music played in the background from a distant house in order to help further develop the emotions and sad feelings that has come about due to Edna taking her own life. The music also seemed as if it was all knowing and the over seeing eye of the entire situation. Its almost as if the music comes in at the end almost to say i knew that was going to happen. The music does the same thing when Edna starts to feel bad about her situation with Robert. I believe that the action itself of swimming into the sea with the goal of taking your life requires bravery or maybe just pure insanity. I also believe that the result and intentions of the act were very cowardly and selfish. She simply wanted to relieve her pain and did not think of others and the impact of her actions.

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