Wednesday, October 26, 2011

All The Kings Men Corruption

Throughout the novel corruption plays a significant role. Corruption is often portrayed in politics. One aspect that can be associated with corruption is knowledge. For example once Willie Stark found out a received the knowledge of how he was being used in order to split the vote, this knowledge in a sense corrupted Willie. The Knowledge corrupted willie because it made Willie completely change his attitude in life to one that he states that all the men with power are corrupt and that they do no treat the common people with respect because they feel that the common folk are all ignorant hicks. This theory lead to how Willie was eventually able to come to power. Power often follows knowledge and is a contributing factor in the process of corruption. Once power is received a common result may end up to be corruption. Power often time corrupts people because they like the feeling of the power they have and they will do anything in their power in order to maintain their power and high rank in society. I believe that Willie Stark was not a naturally corrupt man. I say this because his whole life he tried to live it the right way and he worked hard for everything he ever received and earned. Even at the point in his life when snapped, he still had the people in mind. I believe however, that once Willie received excessive amounts of power, he lost certain aspects and qualities in which he had previously in life. This result proves how knowledge often leads to power and power can often times lead to corruption, like in the case of Willie Stark. I also believe that corruption can be spread out from the head man (the boss) all the way down to the main who works for him. I say this because if the man at top is corrupt often times the men who choose to follow him are in turn also corrupt people. While knowledge is important to man kind in order to evolve, knowledge is not always positive and can lead to why people become corrupt beings, because with knowledge there is often power due to the specific type of knowledge a person may obtain. Once this knowledge is obtained, often time this knowledge may result in an increase in power and if the person allows the increase of power to envelop them then this is the gradual decline from knowledge to corruption.

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